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meaning from Pompeii, is a clone of the classic silicon fuzz boxes from 60's.
BC CVIII (CVIII means 108 in ancient romans digit) because is
equipped with 2 transistors BC108 selected with a gain would be perfect for performing in an arena like Pompeii.
In those years, the 2 stages, 2 transistors distortion project was particularly happy because it produces a rich in tone distortion
without denaturalizing the sound of the electric guitar. The silicon fuzz is directly discending from the boxes equipped with germanium transistors.
Same circuit's architepture but with silicon transistors than the germanium.
Its magical tones are due the sophisticated selection of its few electronic components.
Resistors are Carbon Composition type.
This kind of resistors, sound perfect
on transistors fuzz boxes. In spite
of others device like Wha-Wha, they are always mounted in fuzz boxes from 60's..
The capacitors in this unite are brand new and with the same electronic values and type of the original fuzz boxes of 60's.
Note the Polyester capacitor  inside.
click to enlarge

POMPEIANUS is equipped with 2 Silicon Transistors BC108 selected for Gain (HFE) and Low Noise (leackage) and tested for sounding
with our sound test box.
POMPEIANUS  is inspired by the film concert of a legendary Rock Band performed in Pompeii in 1972.
In respect of the classic "smiling face" of the original boxes,
 the LOOK of this fuzz box reproduces a particular of the "Memento Mori", a mosaic showing a skull, discovered in Pompeii.
 The box's cover is made in two moment: the first one is carefully hand painted and then screen printed.
When the effect is inserted the led turns red and the classic shape knobs turn green for a suggestive visual effect.

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